Let’s be honest here. Every website offers the same type of information. The presentation can be different, but the info follows the same pattern. All websites start off by trying to be different, but end up being the same.
Try as you might, the basic setup of the website remains the same. Let me give you an example. I wanted a website that broke every rule in the book and took a different road towards information sharing. But, I still had to follow a set pattern. After all, even a personal website needs certain common pages that tell visitors what I am all about. I tried to be different, but failed. In order to keep the professional look and feel of my site intact, I had to tell potential visitors about my values, work ethics, approach, and provide all information that would encourage them to visit the website again and again. This is what they expect and this is what I had to give them.
But, I wanted to give my website visitors something different. I wanted them to know ME, and develop a personal connect with me. So, I thought long and hard about it and decided to integrate a blog into my website. Having a blog for my site, soon proved to be a masterstroke and it’s the blog that in large part is the driving force behind the popularity of my website.
Here are five reasons why this happened.
Reason 1: It gave my website an ‘Attitude’
Now, my website has an attitude courtesy my blog. I can offer information the way I want to and nobody will really mind. On my blog, I can throw the ‘professional approach’ inside the bin and tell it the way I want to. I can be as creative and up-front as I like and nobody is going to tell me to do it in another way. After all, it’s my blog. It’s an outlet that helps me share random thoughts, interests etc with my target audience. It stops my website from becoming boring. And this is what counts, at the end of the day.
Reason 2: Knowing the ‘Real’ Me
As a website owner, I put in a whole lot of call-to-action content and images on it to ensure that the visitors are encouraged to make a positive decision regarding the information available on the site. But on my blog, I can ask visitors to think twice about doing the same. Not because the information isn’t correct, but because I want them to make an informed decision. If you think this is some kind of split personality at 外汇平台 work, then it is. Think of your blog as your alter ego. It is the real you. On your blog, you are not the merchant looking for a profit, but a person who wants to tell visitors more about who he/she is all about. A blog allows you to market your persona and character. You can be natural and portray your views and opinions in all honesty. It will definitely be appreciated. Some of this appreciation will rub off on your website.
Reason 3: Idea Exchange
Blog is a wonderful platform for sharing suggestions, opinions and ideas with your website visitors. Now, this works both ways. As a customer, if I have used your products, I would love a platform where I can exchange notes on how the website can be improved and how to optimize the use of the website and the information it provides. A blog provides such a platform.
Reason 4: A sense of togetherness
A blog helps promote a sense of community. For me, my website and its potential visitors were not exclusive of each other. I had to bring them together and the only way I could do that was through my blog. It helped me develop a relationship with my visitors and their comments helped me fine tune my offerings.
Reason 5: Showing that you Care
Yep, your website visitors are emotional creatures. They need to be told that they are important and you actually care for them and what they think. This emotional bonhomie is something that only your blog can bring about. The fact that you will be able to talk to them like a friend rather than a merchant or a website owner does half the job for you. It’s important to make your blog visitors to understand that your blog isn’t just another promotional tool. Your blog should be a way of connecting better with your readers.
So here they are! Five very good reasons why your website must have a blog! Such blogs are not a luxury any more, but a necessity. Even if you are not convinced about using a blog in your website, there is still no harm in trying it out.
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